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International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo



YTB, an institution providing students all over the world scholarship opportunities to study in Turkiye, offers the chance to fund a limited number of students from Bosnia and Herzegovina during their stay in Turkiye, which is part of the IUS double diploma programs. 

Double diploma students, after completing the first two years of their studies at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), will study at Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul University (IU) or Marmara University (MU) for the last two years, earning the diplomas of both institutions (IUS and whichever of the three Turkish universities they attended).

Scholarship terms:

IUS: offers up to 40 % tuition waiver to Double Diploma students for the first two years of studying at IUS.

YTB: provides a monthly stipend, accommodation, health insurance and one return ticket for the two years spent in Turkiye. If candidates apply for a YTB scholarship to fund their stay in Turkey, they will be required to have a minimum of A2 level Turkish language proficiency certificate prior to their arrival in Turkey, and by the time of graduation, these students will obtain a minimum C1 Turkish language proficiency certificate. *Tuition at partner universities is set and regulated by the terms and price lists of the host institution.

Application Requirements:

  1. Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, who completed their high school studies with 3.5/5 may apply only.
  2. Prospective students may apply to a maximum of 3 programs. The maximum number of programs a prospective student may apply in the same university is 2. Based on the quota, a prospective candidate who is not placed in the program of their first choice, may be placed in one of the other two programs they indicated.
  3. Prospective candidates will be ranked based on the interview.
  4. Priority will be given to citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina but citizens of the Balkan region (Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Albania) may also apply. Turkish citizens and other international citizens are not eligible to apply for the scholarship.
  5. Any mistakes or falsehoods that become apparent in the application documents and information will render the application null and void.

For more detailed information, please call +38733957175 or visit our Campus at Hrasnička cesta 15, Ilidža, Sarajevo. 

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Personal Info

Education Info

Education Info
Prosjek ocjena tokom školovanja

Study Program

Choice of Study Program
You can choose maximum TWO programs from one institution


Saglasnost za objavu i korištenje ličnih podataka

Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu (IUS) poštuje privatnost ličnih podataka i pristupa osjetljivim podacima uz najveće svjetske standarde. Želimo da budete sigurni da će Vaši podaci biti korišteni sa posebnom pažnjom za vrijeme i poslije slanja podataka te se obavezujemo na njihovu zaštitu u skladu sa Zakonom o zaštiti ličnih podataka Bosne i Hercegovine.

U pogledu korištenja, upoznat(a) sam da će IUS podatke koristiti u cilju ispunjenja svrhe vezane za prijavu za studiranje objavljenu na webstranici od strane IUS-a, a u cilju uspostavljanja međusobnog odnosa, te u tom smislu navedene podatke će prikupljati, obrađivati, činiti dostupnim, čuvati i brisati. Moji podaci će biti u bazi podataka Studenske službe IUS-a.

Upoznat(a) sam sa činjenicom da se o meni prikupljaju podaci (JMBG, ime i prezime, spol, e-mail, adresa, broj telefona, podaci o obrazovanju, i sl.) te ovim putem izjavljujem da sam sve razumio/la i saglasan(a) sam da navedene podatke prikuplja i obrađuje Internacionalni univerzitet u Sarajevu (IUS) u skladu sa aktima i Zakonom o zaštiti ličnih podataka Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i da mi se povremeno dostavlja promotivni materijal.

Ovim potvrđujem da sam upoznat(a) sa svojim pravom da saglasnost dajem dobrovoljno i da istu mogu u bilo kojem trenutku putem pismene obavijesti mijenjati, ispravljati, ili brisati. Saglasnost uključuje i uvid u podatke kod trećih lica radi moguće provjere i u cilju prijave na studij.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
